
他对. 医疗计费和编码:


We want to help you develop a better underst和ing of jobs in 医疗帐单 编码和 how they relate to the broader field of 健康信息管理 (HIM) so you can make an informed decision about your potential career path.

Here are 5 things to consider when comparing 健康信息管理 to 医疗帐单 和 coding:

Medical Coder Speaking on 电话 with 医疗保健 Staff to Determine Procedural Codes

1. 职责范围

记账员和程序员, 有时被称为医疗记录专家, are key contributors in the healthcare revenue cycle responsible for determining how services are invoiced 和 processed. These professionals work with patients 和 insurance providers to ensure Electronic Medical Records (EMR) are assembled accurately 和 entered into health information systems properly.

Consider billing 和 coding to be one aspect of 健康信息管理 rather than an entirely unique discipline. HIM regards the broader category encompassing all healthcare data 和 information systems, 包括收入周期之外的患者数据.

从这个意义上说, you might consider a medical biller 和/or coder as a health information specialist the same way you consider a professional basketball player an athlete. They aren’t mutually exclusive; just as not every athlete is a basketball player, 并不是每个HIM专业人员都从事医疗账单和编码工作.

2. 他的其他工作

有很多潜在的 健康信息管理领域的职业选择 除了计费和编码. 职位名称的例子包括:

Each of these career pathways require a strong background 和 wealth of experience in health information technology (HIT) systems to succeed. 计费和编码之外的HIT作业涉及维护, 实现, 以及系统本身的故障排除.

Every job will have its own unique requirements for education, experience, 和 certification.

You can begin your HIM career in 医疗帐单 编码和 transition into new roles in the field as you continue to advance your 技能 和 education.

3. 教育需求

Our online undergraduate programs are designed to help you start your career path on your terms. You can choose to start fast 和 get working as soon as possible in a diploma program—or start working towards a bachelor’s degree to begin working towards more advanced job opportunities right from the start.

Medical billing 和 coding educational pathways include diploma 和 associate degree options. These programs are designed to prepare you to earn key billing 和 coding certifications that will help you qualify for jobs in the field immediately upon graduation.1 您可以选择文凭路径,并在10个月内毕业.

工商管理硕士课程包括副学士学位和学士学位两种选择. These programs correlate more closely to the list of additional HIM career options in the prior section.

You may consider billing 和 coding to be a perfect entry point into a longer career in the HIM field. 请记住,如果你获得了帐单和编码的文凭或副学士学位, you can potentially transfer credit earned into a HIM bachelor’s degree program in the future.


现在通过 9月30日

4. 资格认证1

Each degree pathway aligns generally with a unique set of industry certifications:


  • 注册专业编码员(CPC) 来自美国职业编码学会(AAPC)
  • 认证编码专员(CCS) 来自美国健康信息管理协会
  • 认证计费和编码专家(CBCS) 国家健康职业协会(NHA)


  • 注册医疗资讯技术员(RHIT) 来自美国健康信息管理协会
  • 注册健康信息管理员(RHIA)同样来自AHIMA

Certification eligibility depends on which pathway 和 what diploma or degree level you choose. HIM students may also be potentially eligible for the certifications listed under “计费和编码” above.


Two Bureau of Labor Statistics categories align with jobs in either 医疗帐单 和 coding or 健康信息管理: Medical Records Specialists 和 Health Information Technologists 和 Medical Registrars.

根据美国劳工统计局, medical records specialists (including medical coders) earn an aver年龄 salary of $48,每年310英镑(23美元).每小时23元).*

The BLS reports health information technologists 和 medical registrars earn an aver年龄 salary of $65,每年280英镑(31美元).每小时38元).*

了解更多关于赚钱的潜力 医疗帐单 编码和 健康信息管理.


Our goal is to help you discover the career in healthcare best suited to your talents, 技能, 和能力.

无论你从哪里开始, we will help you reach your career goals 和 continue to build the career you’ve always wanted. 软件下载知道你是幸运28计划!



1. 认证不是州的要求.

*美国劳工统计局(BLS).S. 劳工部, Occupational Employment 和 W年龄 Statistics 2023 / Occupational Outlook H和book 2022. 劳工统计局的估计不代表入门级工资和/或薪水. 多种因素, 包括之前的经验, 年龄, 你想要工作的地理市场和学位领域, 会影响职业成果和收入吗. Herzing neither represents that its graduates will earn the aver年龄 salaries calculated by BLS for a particular job nor guarantees that graduation from its program will result in a job, 促销活动, 加薪或其他职业发展.




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